Setting Up for Offramp Gateway
To setup this machine for the Offramp Gateway transmission:
E-mail Account Setup Note
E-mail Address The domain of your E-mail address becomes a name
added the sub-address for this machine and domain name
of the SMTP server. For example, if the domain name of
the mail server is “toshiba.com” and sub-address of this
machine is “host1”, the domain of the E-mail address for
this machine will be a FQDN
that the sub-address is
added to this domain.
[i.e. username@host1.toshiba.com] (See page 60.)
Receive Mode Set to “SMTP”. (See page 62.)
SMTP Server Address Assign the IP address of the main mail server that sup-
plies the domain for your machine. (See page 67.)
Some settings are required to be configured at the SMTP server.
• The domain name for this machine must be assigned on the main SMTP server.
• Set up the SMTP server to forward the E-mail to this machine when the SMTP server receives
an E-mail whose address contains the host name for this machine.
Ask your administrator to set up the SMTP server.
How to send a document using Offramp Gateway
Using the Offramp Gateway transmission, you can send E-mail
documents to a facsimile connected in the public switched tele-
phone network. Also, this machine supports addressing the ITU-T
Mailbox in the remote facsimile.
When you send an E-mail using the Offramp Gateway transmission,
the syntax of the Offramp-email-address must be specified correctly.
Sending to Facsimile
Offramp-email-address syntax:
[“xxxxxxxxx” is the telephone number of a facsimile.]
For example when the assigned domain name (FQDN) for this
machine is “host1.toshiba.com” and the facsimile number is
i.e. FAX=1212121212@host1.toshiba.com
Sending to Subaddress
Offramp/subaddress-email-address syntax:
[“xxxxxxxxx” is the telephone number of a facsimile.]
[“yyyy” is the subaddress.]
“T33S” is a syntax code to specify a subaddress. When
you send to a subaddress using the Offramp Gateway, the
facsimile number and the subaddress number is separated
with “/”.
For example when the assigned domain name (FQDN) for this
machine is “host1.toshiba.com”, the facsimile number is
“1212121212”, and the subaddress is “1234”:
i.e. FAX=1212121212/T33S=1234@host1.toshiba.com
Any international telephone number entry is not accepted for
the facsimile number in the Offramp-email-address.
Offramp Gateway Properties Setup Note
E-mail to FAX Gateway This sets the machine to allow forwarding the document
that is received by the Offramp Gateway transmission.
(See page 87.)
Gateway Print This sets whether to print the document sent from the
Internet FAX machine using the Offramp Gateway trans-
mission. The machine prints the document before for-
warding it to the facsimile, so that you can confirm what is
sent using the Offramp Gateway. (See page 88.)
Gateway Security This sets whether to check the fax number where the
document is being sent to before allowing the document to
be forwarded via the Offramp gateway. If the fax number
of the facsimile is not registered as One Touch dials or
Abbreviated dials, the machine does not allow the Offramp
Gateway for this document. (See page 89.)
*1 “Fully Qualified Domain Name” consists of a host name and domain name.