Program Administration Section –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
When using DKAdmin, Table 5 provides important information regarding specific
Table 5 DKAdmin Program List
Program Comment
Program 03 On new or upgraded installations, Program 03 should always be checked and
uploaded to make sure all PCB slots have the correct codes for PCBs and
PCB options. Strata DK power must be turned off (5-seconds) and then on
after uploading (restoring) Program 03 to enable its data to take effect.
Program 04 or
04 When editing Directory or DN/intercom numbers in Programs 04 or
DKAdmin checks for duplicate or conflicting numbers and stops them from
being entered. When uploading Programs 04 or
04, DKAdmin downloads
them from the processor, compares and arranges the data in an acceptable
order and uploads it to the Strata DK.
09 and 76-0 DKAdmin edits and uploads Programs
09 and 76-0 in the same manner as
Programs 04 and
CAUTION! ACD/DID assignments in Program
09 cannot be Restored
(uploaded) with early ROM versions of Strata DK Release 2
PRGALL Whenever PRGALL is uploaded (restored), Programs 04 and
09 are
downloaded and checked, then uploaded prior to the PRGALL upload.
Program 38/39 To change a keystrip from 20 to 10 keys, or from 10 to 20, without changing
the data in Program 39, select and edit Program 38 using Program
Administration. To change a keystrip to a default value in Program 38 and
overwrite Program 39 data, select and edit TELEPHONE KEYSTRIP TYPE
(PRG38) from the System/Station Administration-PORT ATTRIBUTES screen
for the selected station port. When changing a keystrip from 20 keys to 10
keys, DKAdmin stores the pause (code 495) key in key 11~20 (unused keys).
This is because there is no code for a blank key.
If using Strata DK Release 2 or lower, you must power off (5 sec)/on the
Strata DK after sending the changes to the Strata DK from DKAdmin in order
for the program changes to take effect.
Program 90, 91, and 92 All Initialization programs will initialize the data in the Strata DK processor
(RCTU PCB), not the data in the DKAdmin PC customer files.
If initializing the system with 91-9 remotely, the customer DK TTY port must
be connected to a modem that has a direct CO line as shown in Figure A-3 of
Appendix A.
REPALL These two files will always be Up or Down loaded in pairs when either file is
Up or Down loaded.
Program 04, *04, *09, and
Unused ports in these programs will be blanked out when upgrading to an
RCTU with more port number than the original RCTU. This is done to prevent
inserting DN and DID number conflicts during an upgrade. For example, if
upgrading from a RCTUB to and RCTU C/D, ports 80~239 will be blanked out
in Program 04.