System Installation –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
➤ To change user or password information for an existing user
1. Access the Password File Maintenance screen (under the User Password Level Set Up
2. Highlight the user you wish to change and press Enter to display the user information.
3. Change the information, as required.
4. After changing the information, press Enter.
Note Changes are lost if you press Esc before pressing Enter. The entry will return to its
original form.
➤ To delete a user from the DKAdmin/DKBackup system
1. Access the Password File Maintenance screen (under the User Password Level Setup
2. Highlight the user you want to delete and press Delete.
3. A confirmation message is displayed. Highlight Yes and press Enter. The user is
deleted from the system.
4. Press Esc to close the Password File Maintenance screen.
Communications Setup
The Communications Setup screen enables you to select the computer serial communications
port (COM 1 ~ COM 4) which will be connected to the Strata DK (for procedures on
connecting to the Strata DK, refer to Appendix A). This setup also enables you to select baud
rate, parity, data bits, stop bits, direct modem initialization and a modem/DIU initialization.
The communication parameters shown below are the settings that are required to connect to
the Strata DK and should remain constant.
Communications Setup 6,7,8,9
Reindex Files 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Baud Rate = 1200* Parity = Even
Data Bits = 7 Stop Bits = 1
*May be up to 9600 if using RSIU.
Table 7 Password Level Menu Access