Program *42 – Clock Source
7-16 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Program *42 – Clock Source
Processor Type: DK40i, all RCTUs (Release 4.0 or higher) and BCUs. For Release 3.1 and earlier
programming, see below.
Program Type: System, T1, PRI, BRI
Initialized Default: Blank
Program *42 Series Overview
This program assigns the T1, PRI or BRI interface RPTU PCB as a Primary or Secondary timing
source. The DK is synchronized to the Public Network. If the Primary synchronization is lost, it
switches to the secondary timing source.
When a T1 or PRI slot number is assigned, the DK only accepts a “1” for the circuit number. The
circuit number is only used for BRI interfaces to specify which circuit is to be used for the Clock
Source. If the PCB in this slot is not a T1 or ISDN PCB, the system will not accept data and any
entries will be cleared.
BRI interfaces should be used as a clock source only when a T1 or PRI interface is not equipped
Set T1 parameters and assignments with the Program 41 (Part 1) and 42 (Part 2) series. See the
Strata DK Installation and Maintenance Manual for additional T1 information. RDTU/RPTU
support is as follows:
For proper T1 or ISDN operation, the equipment at each end of a digital T1 span line must be
synchronized. The DK is synchronized (as slave) to the equipment on the other end of the digital
line by the RDTU/RPTU, RBUU/RBUS PCB designated as the Primary Reference in Program
If a malfunction occurs and Primary Synchronization is lost, the DK automatically switches modes
and synchronizes to the equipment connected to the secondary PCB designated as the Secondary
Reference. If the equipment on the other end of the DK digital lines should synchronize to the DK
clock source, then enter blanks in Program 42-1 and 2. In this case, the DK clock runs free and is
considered the Master Synchronization source.
Clock Source Slot Number Circuit No.
Number of RDTU/
RPTU’s Supported
Number of RBUU/
RBUS’s Supported
RCTUC/D 6 14
RCTUE/F 8 20
Circuit NumberSEL = 1 or 2
1 - Primary Source
2 - Secondary Source
Slot Number of Primary or Secondary PRI Clock
Source (Release 4.0 entry. Not used for release 3.1