Toll Restriction
Program 48 – Station Toll Restriction Classification
Strata DK Programming 5/00 4-39
Toll Restriction
Program 48 – Station Toll Restriction Classification
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: Toll Restriction
Initialized Default: 100 for all ports
Processor Port Range
Toll Restriction
Ports for DISA
Toll Restriction
Processor Port Range
Toll Restriction
Ports for DISA
Toll Restriction
DK14 000~009 010 1~4 B1CU1 000~055 089 1~4
DK40i 000~027 035 1~4 B2CAU/BU 000~111 249 1~8
RCTUA 000~031 039 1~4 B3CAU/BU 000~191 249 1~8
RCTUBA/BB 000~079 089 1~4 B5CAU/BU 000~335 344 1~8
RCTUC/D 000~239 249 1~8
RCTUE/F 000~335 344 1~8
Port Number
Program 16 Line
Group Number
900~916 00~16
Port No. Digit Restriction Code Station Restriction Code Port No. Digit Restriction Code Station Restriction Code
Station Restriction Code (00~10)
00 = No Station Toll Restriction
01 = Area Code toll Restriction and 0 or 1 as 1st digit
02 = Area Code Toll Restriction and 0 or 1 as 1st digit
03 = Class 1 07 = Class 5
04 = Class 2 08 = Class 6
05 = Class 3 09 = Class 7
06 = Class 4 10 = Class 8
If dial “0” credit card calling must be allowed, use
Program 43 to assign designated stations/CO lines to
allow credit card calling.
SELECT = Port Number(s)
Enter the port number(s) of the
station(s) being defined.
To add a port range, enter
XXX (low port ✱ high port).
DATA ( 0 or 1)
0 = No digit restriction
1 = Digit restriction
R4.3 and higher: If a Tie line is assigned in Program 16 for Toll Restriction and LCR on
tandem calls, assign a class of service in this program. Program ports 900~916 to
match the Tie line group numbers 01~16, respectively.