Automatic Call Distribution
Program 14-8 – Alarm Pattern Assignments
6-34 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program 14-8 – Alarm Pattern Assignments
Initialized Default:
0 for each group
Program 14-8 Overview
This program selects the type of queue alarm that is sent to the Supervisor telephone for each ACD
Group. Only one alarm type is allowed for a given ACD Group. The Supervisor can reset the alarm
by pressing the flashing
DATA = 0: No Alarm
This selection disables the queue alarm.
DATA = 1: Immediate Alarm
This selection causes the system to send immediately a queue alarm to the Supervisor telephone
when the number of calls in the ACD queue exceeds the number set in Program 14-71.
DATA = 2: Call Waiting Alarm 1 and 2
This selection allows two timed alarms to be set. Alarm 1 sounds when (X + 1) number of calls are
in the ACD queue longer than the time period set in Program 11-6 (X is set in Program 14-72).
Alarm 2 sounds when (Y + 1) number of calls are in the ACD queue longer the time period set in
Program 11-7 (Y is set in Program 14-73). Normally, Alarm 1 is used as a caution alarm to indicate
a less critical alarm than Alarm 2.
Alarm 1 may be set to alert the Supervisor when five calls are in queue for longer than three
minutes; and Alarm 2 may be set to alert the Supervisor when ten calls are in queue for five
minutes. Once alarm 2 is activated, Alarm 1 is inactive until Alarm 2 thresholds are no longer
exceeded. Alarm 1 is an interrupted beeping tone; Alarm 2 is a continuous beeping tone.
Processor ACD Group Numbers
RCTUC/D 01~16
RCTUE/F 01~16
ACD Group Number Alarm Pattern
DATA = Pattern (0, 1, or 2)
0 = None
1 = Immediate Alarm (Program 14-71)
2 = Alarm Timer 1 and 2 (Program 14-72, 11-6
and Program 14-73, 11-7)
SELECT = ACD Group No.