System & Station
Program 60-2~7 – SMDR Output/Account Code Digit Length
3-140 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program 60-2~7 – SMDR Output/Account Code Digit
Processor Type:
DK14, DK40i, All RCTUs
Program Type:
Initialized Default:
Item 2: 10 seconds
Item 3: SMDR output is enabled for answered incoming/outgoing calls
Item 4: a 6-digit length is assigned to all Forced/Voluntary Account Codes
Item 7: 21 digits
Item Description Data
SMDR Threshold Time
0 =1 second
1 = 10 seconds Time
SMDR Output when a call is completed
0 = Outgoing Only
1 = Incoming and Outgoing SMDR COR
Forced/Voluntary Account Code Digit Length 04~15
(See Program 69 for Verified Account Codes)
Digits are verified per Program 30, Button/LED 14 and Program 69 Account
SMDR Printout Options
Toll Dial:
0 = All Calls (item 3, printout outgoing call only is still available)
1 = Dial “0” calls only
2 = Dial “1” calls only
3 = Dial “00” calls only
4 = Dial “1”, “0” calls only
5 = Dial “1”, “00” calls only Toll Dial Data
DISA Security Code
01~15 digits, may be changed from station, per Program 30
If a security code is not programmed, outgoing trunk access via DISA
will not require a security code when dialing.
Button 01 = blank
Button 02 is wild card
(any digit from 1~9)
Credit Card Call Digit Length, 01~30 digits
(see Program 43)
Number of digits required
when “0” is the first digit
dialed; if this number of
digits is not dialed, the
system will disconnect the
call after 20 seconds. “0” is
counted as a digit.
Example: 0 + 714 + 583 -
3700 = 11 digits; 11 should
be programmed as a
minimum in this case.
See table below.SELECT = 2~7 (Item)
Make a selection from
the table below.