Using Net Phone Features
Call Handling Features
78 Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08
³ To Add or Change Information
1. With the “Call Info” window open, place the cursor into the box to be changed and
use the keyboard to add or erase information.
Note The ability to add or change information is controlled by Preferences>Extra
Info settings.
2. Click the Update button to save the new information. Once changed, other
programs will use this information. For example, the call is being screened and
transferred into an ACD queue; the caller could define a Preferred Agent by
entering an agent’s ID into the Preferred Agent Information field. When the call is
transferred this information is available to be used by the ACD application.
³ To Copy Call Information to Another Application
With the “Call Info” window open, click the Copy button to place that specific
information on the Windows clipboard for pasting into another program. For
example, the user may need to use the Customer number to look up the status of an
order. Clicking Copy and switching to the other program and pasting into the
appropriate field allows for a fast lookup.
Holding Calls
³ To Place Call on Hold
³ While talking with a caller, click the hold button to place call on hold
or right-click on the call in the Call View Window and select Hold from the menu.
³ To Retrieve Call
³ To re-connect a held call, click the hold button again
or double-click on the held call in the Call View Window
or right-click on the held call and select Answer from the menu.