Strata CIX Net Phone UG 04/08 13
Net Phone Settings 2
This section defines settings that are available to the user for customizing Net Phone
to meet their needs. A number of additional settings are available for the System
Administrator for setting more advanced features such as controlling access to some
features, creating a server-based rules and configurations. This section will
concentrate on the settings readily available to the user.
These settings are arranged into Preferences, Hot Keys, Option Buttons, User
Programmable Buttons, and User Defined Actions. Each of these sections will define
the settings and how to change these settings to match your needs.
Setup Preferences has a number of settings for making Net Phone work and look the
way you choose. To access Setup Preferences click on then select Setup >
Preferences. The settings in Preferences are divided between four tabs each defined
Note: Depending on your configuration you may not be able to change the
Preferences, in which case you should check with your System Administrator.