
ASCII Interface Module (AS311)
5. Operation Procedure
5.5 Resetting the AS311 by software
AS311 can be reset by T3 program. Two types of resetting are available, cold reset
and hot reset.
The cold reset is used to reset the AS311 error state. When the cold reset is executed,
the AS311 will be initialized. The trailing code and the time-out check time are also
reset to the default settings. This function is the same as pressing the hardware reset
switch and power on initialization.
On the other hand, the hot reset is used to change the trailing code and/or the time-out
check time.
For executing these functions, write the following data into the AS311’s buffer memory
address 12 (Command 1). The data writing into this address must be one-shot.
Clod reset: H80FF
Hot reset: H80FE
The written data will be cleared to 0 by AS311 when the operation is completed.
A sample program for the cold reset is shown below. This sample program is for the
AS311 that is allocated to XW000 - YW003.
In this sample program, the cold reset operation will be started by setting R0120 to ON.
(Main program)
(Subroutine No. 2)
For the hot reset, refer to sections 5.6 and 5.7.