
ASCII Interface Module (AS311)
2. Specifications
2.1 General specifications
Item Specifications Remarks
Power voltage 5 Vdc (supplied from back plane bus)
Current consumption 1.0 A (5 Vdc) maximum Note (1)
Environmental conditions Conforms to T3 specifications
Insulation resistance
10 M (500 Vdc)
Note (2)
Withstand voltage 500 Vac - 1 minute Note (2)
Size T3 I/O module size (1 slot)
Weight 500 g
Note (1) The T3’s power supply module can supply maximum 7 A of internal 5 Vdc.
Check that the internal 5 Vdc current consumption per one power supply
module does not exceed the limit.
Note (2) Between interface connector pins and internal circuit.
2.2 Functional specifications
Item Specifications
Module type Serial communication interface
I/O allocation type iX+Y 4W
Buffer memory capacity 448 words x 4
(accessed from T3 by READ/WRITE instruction)
Transmission interface 2 channels;
Channel 1 RS-232C or RS-422 (selectable)
Channel 2 RS-232C
Display Status LEDs;
RUN lit when operating normally
TX1 lit while transmitting data from channel 1
RX1 lit while receiving data to channel 1
TX2 lit while transmitting data from channel 2
RX2 lit while receiving data to channel 2
Connectable devices Computer, bar code reader, display device, sensor,
printer, or other serial ASCII device
RAS function Self diagnosis, watch dog timer (200 ms),
transmission error check, etc.