User’s Manual
PART 2 DA264
6. Parameters
6. Parameters
The DA264 has the memory that stores the control parameters, output type designation,
module status information, etc. This memory is called the buffer memory. To access
(read/write) this memory from the T2 program, READ and WRITE instructions are used.
These parameter data are not maintained in the DA264. Therefore, you should write the
necessary parameter data at each time of the beginning of the operation.
6.1 Memory map
The contents of the DA264's buffer memory are as follows.
Address Contents
H8000 Offset calibration value for channel 1
H8001 Offset calibration value for channel 2
H8002 Offset calibration value for channel 3
H8003 Offset calibration value for channel 4
H8004 Output type setting for channel 1
H8005 Output type setting for channel 2
H8006 Output type setting for channel 3
H8007 Output type setting for channel 4
H8008 Analog output read-back value for channel 1
H8009 Analog output read-back value for channel 2
H800A Analog output read-back value for channel 3
H800B Analog output read-back value for channel 4
H800C Module status for channel 1
H800D Module status for channel 2
H800E Module status for channel 3
H800F Module status for channel 4
Use WRITE instruction to write
data into these addresses.
Use READ instruction to read
data from these addresses.
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