Analog I/O Modules (AD268 / DA264 / TC218)
6. Parameters
PART 1 AD268
6.2 Parameter setting procedure
When you change the AD268 parameters, such as input type settings, gain/offset calibrations
and averaging times, use the following procedure.
Step (1)
Write the value "0" into the command register of the AD268 buffer memory (address H8020)
by WRITE instruction.
H8020 Command register
← Write 0
Step (2)
Write the parameter data into the buffer memory (addresses H8000 to H801F) by WRITE
instruction. Be sure to write all the 32 words in batch.
H8000 Gain for channel 1
H8001 Gain for channel 2
H801F Input type for channel 8
← Write the parameter data (32 words)
Step (3)
Write the value "1" into the command register (address H8020) by WRITE instruction.
H8020 Command register
← Write 1
Step (4)
Wait until the data of the response register (address H8021) comes "1". Check the data by
READ instruction.
H8021 Response register Check if it comes 1
Step (5)
Write the value "0" into the command register (address H8020) by WRITE instruction.
H8020 Command register
← Write 0
When the above steps are finished and the module status (addresses H8030 to H8037) shows
no error, the parameter setting procedure is completed. The parameters are effective and they
have been saved in the AD268's EEPROM.
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