About MyTomTom
MyTomTom helps you manage the contents, maps and services of your TomTom GO nav-
igation device, as well as giving you access to the TomTom community. It is a good idea
to frequently connect your navigation device to MyTomTom, to ensure you always have
the latest updates. You can also log in to MyTomTom on the TomTom website.
Tip: We recommend using a broadband internet connection whenever you connect your
navigation device to MyTomTom.
Setting up MyTomTom
To set up MyTomTom, do the following:
1. Connect your computer to the internet.
2. Start a browser and go to tomtom.com/getstarted.
3. Click Download now.
Your browser downloads the MyTomTom support application, which you need to
install on your computer in order to connect your device to MyTomTom. Follow the
instructions on the screen if you are asked questions while downloading.
4. When prompted, connect your device to your computer using the USB cable. Then
switch your device on.
Your device is then recognised, backed up and the latest updates are installed.
Important: You should plug the USB connector directly into a USB port on your computer
and not into a USB hub or USB port on a keyboard or monitor.
Once the MyTomTom support application is installed, you can access MyTomTom from
the notification area on your desktop.