To enter the destination using your voice, tap one of the following buttons:
• Your GO recognises places and streetnames when they are spoken in the local lan-
guage using local pronunciation.
• Spoken address entry is not possible for postcodes which must be entered using the
• Spoken address entry is not available for all maps in all countries.
Spoken address
Tap this button to enter an address entirely using speech.
Spoken address helps you to enter information without tapping the
This option recognises the following spoken terms:
• Commands: Yes, No, Back, Done, OK, Crossing.
• Streetnames.
• Cities and towns and their centres.
• Favourites, postcodes and POIs.
• Plan alternative route, Recalculate original, Avoid roadblock, Min-
imise delays, Clear route, Travel via... and Recent destination.
• Numbers. These should be pronounced in the same way you nor-
mally say a number, in one continuous sentence. So 357 is pro-
nounced, "Three hundred and fifty seven."
Tap this button at the base of the keyboard to use speech to enter an
address. When the button is grey, you cannot use speech to enter an
This button is available for the for the following types of destination:
• City centre - to select a city or town centre.
• Street and house number - to select an address.
• Crossing or intersection - to select the point where two streets