
Handheld Trans mit ter HT-500
Fig ure 5
Handheld Trans mit ter
HT-500 Con trols,
Con nec tors, and In di ca tors
Handheld Trans mit ter Setup
and Op er a tion
1. In sert Bat tery. Re move the bat tery com part --
ment cover by un screw ing it com pletely. In sert a
9V bat tery, ter mi nal end first into the bat tery
com part ment.
NOTE: The HT-500 unique de sign al lows the
bat tery to be in serted and used re gard less of the
pos i tive and neg a tive ter mi nal po si tion.
2. With bat tery com part ment still open, turn the
unit so you can see the dis play and the con trol
panel. Turn the unit on by slid ing the power
switch for ward to the on po si tion. The bat tery
low LED will light for a sec ond and the dis play
will show the Group and Chan nel num bers.
3. Change the group and chan nel num bers to
match those dis played on the re ceiver by press --
ing SET. The Group num ber will flash and can
be changed with the UP/DOWN keys. Once the
de sired group num ber is show ing, press SET to
se lect and the Chan nel num ber will flash. Se lect
the Chan nel and press SET again. The flash ing
will stop and the chan nel is now set.
4. Other Screens: Press SET and DOWN at the
same time to dis play the bat tery level. Press
SET and DOWN again to dis play fre quency.
Press them one more time to re turn to Group
and Chan nel.
Fig ure 6
Trans mitt er
5. Fre quency Edit Mode - Press SET from the
fre quency dis play screen to en ter fre quency edit
mode. Press the Up and Down to ad just fre --
quency in 25 kHz in cre ments. Hold ing the Up or
Down but tons down will auto step the fre quency;
slowly at first, then quickly. You can also en ter
fre quency edit mode by press ing SET and UP at
the same time from ei ther the Group and Chan --
nel or Bat tery sta tus dis play screens. Press ing
SET and UP at the same time from the Fre --
quency dis play screen will en ter Group and
Chan nel edit mode.
6. Power Lock Out - Press SET, UP, and DOWN
at the same time and hold 3 sec onds to lock the
power switch on. To turn the unit off, place the
power switch in the OFF po si tion and push SET,
UP, or DOWN. To re move the lock, press SET,
UP, and DOWN again at the same time and hold
3 sec onds. A one-time only ON-LOCK mode
can also be en tered by quickly cy cling the
power switch three times.
7. Set Key Lock-Out, by press ing and hold ing the
UP and DOWN ar row keys to gether for 3 sec --
onds, the SET key is dis abled. To re ac ti vate the
SET key sim ply press and hold the UP and
DOWN keys again for 3 sec onds.
5 6
1. Main Dis play - LCD
(Chan nel, Fre quency or Bat tery Level In di ca tion)
2. Bat tery Low LED - Lights when bat tery is low
3. Power On/Off Switch
4. Set Switch
5. Chan nel/Fre quency Up Switch
6. Chan nel/Fre quency Down Switch
7. Mi cro phone Gain
8. 9V Bat tery Holder
9. Bat tery Cover - Screw type