Sec tion 3 - De tailed Com po nents De scrip tion
Re ceiver Setup and Op er a tion
Place the re ceiver and an ten nas where there is a
clear line of sight to the area where the trans mit --
ter will be used. Ro tate the an ten nas to sep a rate
them by 90 de grees.
2. Con nect the power sup ply cord to the re ceiver.
Plug the power sup ply into an AC out let. Turn
the re ceiver on and con firm that it is ON by
check ing the main dis play screen.
Cau tion: Please make sure the AC power sup ply
is the cor rect volt age for your lo cal re quire ments
be fore it is plugged into the wall.
3. Man ual Chan nel Change. Press the SET but --
ton and the Group num ber will start to flash.
The Up and DOWN but tons al low you to scroll
through the fac tory set group. When the group
you de sire is dis played, press SET to se lect that
group and the Chan nel Num ber will start flash --
ing. Scroll to the de sired chan nel and press SET
to se lect. The num bers will stop flash ing and the
new group and chan nel are in stalled.
4. Fre quency As sign ment (Out side of pre set
Groups and Chan nels), press SET and UP at
the same time and the group and chan nel will go
blank and the Fre quency will start flash ing. Use
UP/DOWN to scroll in 25 KHz steps to the de --
sired fre quency. Press SET and the fre quency
will be se lected and stop flash ing. Press Set and
UP at the same time to re turn to group and chan --
nel op er a tion. Hint: hold ing in the Up or Down
key will in crease the speed of the scroll. Just re --
lease and press again for fine con trol.
5. Ad vanced ClearScan:
This fea ture au to mates
the pro cess of find ing a clear group of
inter-mod u la tion free chan nels and the clear est
chan nels within those groups.
for Groups: From the main dis --
play screen, push SET once and the Group
Num ber will flash. While Group is flash ing,
press and hold SET un til ClearScan ap pears,
re lease the set key. When the scan is com --
pleted, the dis play will show the group with
the most clear chan nels and the Chan nel num --
ber will in di cate how many clear chan nels are
in that group. Use the UP/DOWN keys and to
view other groups and press SET to se lect a
group. The Group will be set and the Chan nel
will start to flash. Se lect a chan nel man u ally
or use ClearScan for Chan nels.
ClearScan for Chan nels: To scan for the
clear est chan nel in a group, press and hold set
while the Chan nel is flash ing un til ClearScan
ap pears, re lease the SET but ton. When the
scan is com plete, the dis play will show the
clear est avail able chan nel. Use UP/DOWN to
scroll through the other avail able chan nels
rank from clear est to least clear (but still avail --
able for use, ClearScan will not dis play any
chan nel that can't be used). Press SET to se --
lect the chan nel.
Auto ClearScan: This func tion will find the
clear est group and chan nel with the press of
just one but ton. With noth ing flash ing, press
and hold the SET but ton un til ClearScan ap --
pears on the right side of the screen. When the
scan is com plete, the re ceiver will be set to the
clear est chan nel in the clear est group.
ClearScan Band: While in the Fre quency
Mode, this func tion will scan the en tire band
look ing for the clear est fre quency, re gard less
of groups and chan nels. In Fre quency Mode,
press Set once and the fre quency will flash,
press and hold set until ClearScan ap pears on
the right side of the dis play. The scan will
con tinue un til you press Set again so you can
scan a lo ca tion over night, 24 hrs, a week, or a
few sec onds. When you press Set again, the
scan will stop and the clear est fre quency will
be dis played. You can scroll through the 8
clear est fre quen cies us ing the Up and Down
but tons. Press Set to ac cept the fre quency dis --