Certification In for ma tion
The Telex BTR-800, TR-800, and the TR-825 Trans mit ter/Re ceiver are Type Ac cepted un der United States
Fed eral Com mu ni ca tions Com mis sion Part 74. Li cens ing of Telex equip ment is the User’s re spon si bil ity
and licensibility de pends on the user’s clas si fi ca tion, us ers ap pli ca tion, and fre quency se lected. Telex
strongly urges the user to con tact the ap pro pri ate tele com mu ni ca tions au thor ity for any de sired clar i fi ca tion.
This de vice com plies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op er a tion is sub ject to the con di tion that this de vice
does not cause harm ful in ter fer ence.
CAU TION: Changes or mod i fi ca tions made by the user could void the user’s au thor ity to op er ate the
equip ment.
Man da tory Safety In struc tions
to Base Sta tion In stall ers and Us ers
1. Use only man u fac turer or dealer sup plied an tenna. An tenna min i mum safe dis tance, as cal cu lated from
FCC re quire ments, is 4.8cm. How ever, the FCC de fault for the min i mum safe dis tance is 20cm. An tenna
gain: zero dBd ref er enced to a di pole.
2. The FED ERAL COM MU NI CA TIONS COM MIS SION has adopted a safety stan dard for hu man ex po sure
to RF (Ra dio Fre quency) en ergy, which is be low the OSHA (Oc cu pa tional Safety and Health Act) lim its.
3. To com ply with cur rent FCC RF Ex po sure lim its, the an tenna must be in stalled at or ex ceed ing the min i -
mum safe dis tance show here, and in ac cor dance with the re quire ments of the an tenna man u fac turer or
sup plier.
4. An tenna sub sti tu tion: Do Not sub sti tute any an tenna for the one sup plied by or rec om mended by the man -
u fac turer or ra dio dealer. You may be ex pos ing per son or per sons to harm ful ra dio fre quency ra di a tion.
You may con tact your ra dio dealer or the man u fac turer for fur ther in struc tions.
5. WARN ING: Main tain a sep a ra tion dis tance from the an tenna to per son(s) of at least 20cm.
You, as the qual i fied end-user of this ra dio de vice must con trol the ex po sure con di tions of by stand ers to
en sure that the min i mum sep a ra tion dis tance (above) is main tained be tween the an tenna and nearby per -
sons for sat is fy ing RF Ex po sure com pli ance.
The op er a tion of this trans mit ter must sat isfy the re quire ments of the Gen eral Pop u la tion/Un con trolled Ex -
po sure En vi ron ment for work-re lated use. Trans mit only when per son(s) are at least the min i mum dis -
tance from the prop erly in stalled, ex ter nally mounted an tenna.
Ver sions of the BTR-800 and TR-800 which dis play the "CE" sym bol on the unit are cer ti fied to
ETSI EN 300 454-2, ETSI EN 301 489-9 and EN 60950 stan dards. These units con form to
Eu ro pean Un ion di rec tives, el i gi ble to bear CE mark ing. See next page for the dec la --
ra tion of con for mity.