Spec i fi ca tions
RF Fre quency Range ......................470 - 608 MHz, 614 - 740 MHz in 18 MHz TX and RX bands
Power Re quire ments........................................6 “AA” Cells Al ka line (NiMH op tional)
Cur rent Draw ............................................190 mA (Push-to-Talk, A and B Talk On)
Tem per a ture Range ..............................................-4° F to 130° F (-20° C to 55° C)
Di men sions ................................3.75” W x 5.35” H x 2.02” D (9.5 cm x 13.5 cm x 5.1 cm)
Weight ......................................................21 oz (595g) with al ka line bat ter ies
TX An tenna..........................................1/4 Wave (sup plied), Screw type, Re place able
RX An tenna..........................................1/4 Wave (sup plied), Screw type, Re place able
FCC ID: .........................................................................B5DM517
Fre quency Re sponse..............................................................300Hz-8kHz
Mi cro phone in put sen si tiv ity .............................................................7 mV
Lo cal Head set Out put......................................40 mW out put into 600W (1% dis tor tion)
Trans mit ter
Type ...............................................................Syn the sized, 712 chan nels
Trans mit Power ..............................................50 mW Max. (auto-power re duc tion)
Mod u la tion Type........................................................................FM
De vi a tion...........................................................................40 kHz
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity................................................................0.005%
Mod u la tion Lim iter ................................................Peak-Responding Com pres sor
Ra di ated Har monics & Spu ri ous ........................................Ex ceeds FCC spec i fi ca tions
Re ceiver
Type.................. Two, Dual Con ver sion Super het ero dyne Receivers, Syn the sized, FM, 712 chan nels
RF Sen si tiv ity........................................................<0.8 µV for 12 dB SINAD
Squelch Thresh old .................................................20 dB SINAD (About 1.0 µV)
IF Se lec tiv ity.................................................................3 dB at 230 kHz
Im age Re jec tion ...............................................................70 dB or better
Squelch Quieting......................................................................90 dB
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity................................................................0.005%
Dis tor tion ...............................................................<1% at full de vi a tion