GB – 23 | MP-350
Look at Video Files
Select Motion Video in main menu. Press key or key to
select the video file you want to play. In browsing, press M key to
return to the main menu. Press the key to start, pause and
stop the video. Select previous or next file by or .
Delete video files
Select Erase Files in main menu. With or select Motion
Video. Press M to confirm. The LCD displays Delete File?, the
name of the file, YES and NO. Press or key to select YES or
NO. Select YES and press M will delete the current file and skip to
the next one and quit the delete mode until skip to the last one.
Select NO to give up the delete operation and skip to the next
file, and quite the delete mode until the last file. Press Exit to exit
the delete mode.
Preparing Pictures Video Files
Transform the files (.avi/ .mpg/ .wmv) you want to play to .smv
files by the convert tool on the CD. Use the program
video2smv.exe on the provided CD.
Copy the converted .smv files to MVIDEO folder of the player.