GB – 21 | MP-350
Picture Browse Setup
Select Settings in main menu and then Pic Browser. You can
select ∞ (no slide show, pictures have to be browsed manually),
2 Sec, 5 Sec, and 10 Sec. Navigate with and and con-
firm with M.
The picture has to be saved into the IMAGES menu, other-
wise, it would be unable to browse them.
User-Customized ON/OFF LOGO
Users can set the logo by themselves: copy the picture to
USERLOGO folder and name the start logo as STARTLOGO and
the end logo as ENDLOGO.
Note: If no LOGO picture is copied into the USERLOGO
folder, or the file names are not STARTLOGO and ENDLOGO
the system will default the ON/OFF LOGO.
Preparing Pictures
This unit only supports pictures with 96 x 96 pixels x 24 bit RGB
BMP format. Any pictures which do not match this size cannot be
displayed or will be displayed partially. So pictures must be resized
before put into the unit.
Run Corel Photo-Paint, Photoshop, or ACDsee etc. to open the
picture you like to resize.