
8.3. Con nec ti on of the air coo lers (op tio nal)
A re turn air cooler is gen er ally re quired in cases in which the re turn air
tem per a ture is over 65 °C (149°F).
The re turn air coo ler can be con nec ted to a coo lant cir cuit or the wa ter mains net work.
Ob ser ve the wa ter flow with con nec ti on to wa ter mains net work. The coo lant cir cuit must be di -
men sio ned acccor ding ly.
Re mo ve the side pa nel of the dry er.
Con nect the coo lant in ta ke line and coo lant re turn line to the re turn air coo ler.
Obes er ve the flow di rec ti on of the coo lant through the re turn air coo ler.
Check the con nec tions for le aks.
Mount the side pa nel.
STT 1600
As sem bly in struc tions 8-4