8. As sem bly in struc tions
These in stal la tion in struc tions are in tended for per sons with skills in elec tri -
cal and me chan i cal ar eas due to their train ing, ex pe ri ence and re ceived in -
struc tions.
Per son nel us ing these in stal la tion in struc tions must be in structed in the reg -
u la tions for the pre ven tion of ac ci dents, the op er at ing con di tions and safety
reg u la tions and their im ple men ta tion.
En sure in each case that the per son nel are in formed.
The in stal la tion in struc tions pro vided in the cor re spond ing op er at ing in struc -
tions ap ply for all con nected equip ment.
Ob serve safety reg u la tions with re gard to lift ing gear han dling
All in stal la tion work must be car ried out with the equip ment dis con nected
from elec tri cal power and com pressed air sup ply.
For in stal la ti on work ta king pla ce at heights of over ap prox. 6 feet (1829
mm), use only lad ders or si mi lar equip ment and wor king plat forms in ten -
ded for this pur po se. At grea ter heights, the pro per equip ment for pro tec -
ti on against fal ling must be worn.
Use only suit ab le lif ting gear which is in pro per wor king or der and load
sus pen si on de vi ces with suf fi cient car ry ing ca pa ci ty. Do not stand or
work un der sus pen ded lo ads!
Use suit ab le work shop equip ment.
In stall the equip ment such that all parts are ea si ly ac ces si ble; this fa ci li -
ta tes main ten an ce and re pair work.
STT 1600
As sem bly in struc tions 8-1