7.1. Trans port and Pac king
Plea se en su re ade qua te car ry ing ca pa ci ty of the lif ting equip ment.
Note that the dry er sys tem is top-he avy. Risc of topp ling!
The equip ment pass a ri go rous ope ra ting test in the fac to ry and are pa cked ca re ful ly to avoid
trans port da ma ge.
Plea se check pac king on de li very for trans port da ma ge.
The in let and disch ar ge flan ges are sea led with plugs, so that no dirt can en ter du ring trans port.
Plugs must be re mo ved be fo re as sem bly.
Pac king ma te ri als should be dis po sed of ac cor ding to en vi ron men tal laws or reu sed.
Only use for trans port of the equip ment a suit ab le lif ting de vi ce (e. g. a fork lift truck or a work shop
cra ne).
Fas ten the trans port ca bles to the eye lets of the con trol ca bi nets.
Trans port must be shock-proo fed and free from vi brat ions.
with a fork lift truck
Push the forks up to the dry er hou sing.
Check that the forks re ach com ple te ly un der the dry er hou sing.
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Trans port, As sem bly and Sto ra ge 7-2
Trans port with a fork lift truck