5.1. Main ten an ce in ter vals
5 hours af ter first
putt ing into op er a tion: Check dry ing agent in the dry ing cells, if nec es sary fil upl
Daily: Check war ning signs on equip ment for good
leg i bil ity and com ple te ness
Clean re turn air fil ter and hous ing
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted)
Lamp test: if you press the ”+/-”-but ton lon ger than
2 se conds all LED’s must light up
Weekly: Check functi on of the main switch
Clean fil ter of the elec tri cal cab i net
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted)
Monthly: Check V-belt ten si on of blo wer
Every three months: Clean fil ter of the re ge ne ra ti on blower
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted)
Every six months: Ex change re turn air fil ter
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted)
Ex change fil ter of the elec tri cal cab i net
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted)
Check all elec tri cal and me cha ni cal con nec tions for tight fit.
Yearly: Ex change fil ter of the re ge ne ra ti on blower
(de pend ing on amount of dust col lec ted
This main ten an ce sche du le is cal cu la ted for 3-shift ope ra ti on.
The gi ven main ten an ce in ter vals are aver age va lu es.
Check whet her in your in di vi du al case the main ten an ce in ter vals must be
shor te ned.
STT 1600
Main ten an ce 5-3