
EC Declaration of Conformity
The designating company
Phone and Fax No.
P. Sweet Quality Manager
We hereby declare that the following machinery conforms to the machinery directive 89/392/EEC as amended by 91/368/EEC,
93/44/EEC and 93/68/EEC and to the following other relevant directives. The machinery has been designed and manufactured
in accordance with the transposed harmonised European standards; European and national standards as listed:
Machine Description: Rotary Lobe Pump - Motorised
Type/Size: Serial Number:
Other Applicable Directives: Electrical Equipment Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/EEC
This machinery has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the following transposed harmonised European Standards:
EN292: Parts 1 and 2: 1991 Safety of Machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design.
EN294: 1992 Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs.
EN60204: Part 1: 1993 Safety of Machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - specification for general
BS5304: 1988 Code of Practice for Safety of Machinery.
ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System.
A technical construction file for this machinery is retained at the above address.
Signed Date
(Authorised Person)
Name Position
Alfa Laval
Company Name
Birch Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6 PQ
Phone: (01323) 412555 Fax: (01323) 412515