Enforced Client Product Guide Using Enforced Client
Using the SecurityCenter
For maximum protection, configure your policies to check for an outbreak DAT file every hour
Enable optional protection on page 97). This feature is enabled by default.
Update computers where no user is logged on
In most scenarios, Enforced Client supports terminal servers and the Windows fast user
switching feature. When an update occurs, one session is designated as the primary update
session. A pseudo user is defined, which enables automatic updates to occur on computers where
no user is logged on.
For certain configurations, automatic updates cannot occur. Enforced Client cannot create the
pseudo user when:
The computer is a domain controller.
Local security policies, including password restrictions, prevent the user’s creation.
When the pseudo user cannot be created, automatic updates do not occur. The pseudo user also
cannot update if the computer is behind an authenticating proxy server.
For these situations, you can disable the Update client computers where users are not logged in
policy setting on the SecurityCenter’s
Advanced Settings tab (see Set advanced virus protection
options on page 97). This prevents automatic update attempts from being reported as errors.
To disable updates for non-logged-on users:
1 On the Groups + Policies page, click Add Policy (or click Edit to modify an existing policy).
2 Click the Advanced Settings tab.
3 Deselect Update client computers where users are not logged in, then click Save.
Using the SecurityCenter
Access the administrative features of Enforced Client from the online SecurityCenter.
The SecurityCenter offers tools for administrators who manage many computers or want to
assume a proactive role in overseeing their corporate security strategy.
Use the SecurityCenter to centrally manage the client computers and information for your
account. For every category of account management, you can access all the tasks you need to
perform from the SecurityCenter: