Enforced Client Product Guide User Interface Definitions
Item Description
Find computers
Type a full or partial computer name, email address, IP address, or
relay server name in the box, then click
Search to display computers
matching your search criteria.
Note: All the client computers in your account are searched.
Add Computer
Click to install Enforced Client services on one or more new client
computers. The installation wizard will display and step you through
the process of selecting the group and services to install.
Select which group of computers to display.
If you have not created any groups, this option does not appear. All
your computers are displayed.
Report period
Select the time period to display.
Computer status
Select the type of detections to display.
Email button
Click to open a blank email message addressed to the selected
computers. (You must have a local email application installed to use
this feature.)
Click to delete the selected computers from your listing.
Use this feature to delete duplicate and obsolete computers. If you
delete a computer where a valid service is installed, it will be added
back to your listing the next time you log on.
Click to prevent the selected computers from receiving product
Use this feature to keep unauthorized computers from using your
protection services.
Move to
Select a group to move selected computers into.
To create a group, go to the Groups + Policies page. Then use this
Move to list to move computers into the new group.
Click to move the selected computers into the selected group.
Lists each computer where Enforced Client is installed. Select a
computer’s name to display detailed information about it.
Shows which group each computer belongs to.
Shows the email address for each computer. Select an address to
open a blank email message addressed to that computer. (You must
have a client email application installed to use this feature.)
To send an email message to multiple computers instead, select the
computers, then click the
Email button.
Last Connect
Shows when a computer last connected to the network. The date
appears in red for out-of-date computers.
To view instructions for updating an out-of-date computer, select the
computer name to open the
Computer Details page, then click the
red action item.
DAT Date
Shows when the detection definition (DAT) file was last updated.
The date appears in red for out-of-date computers.
To view instructions for updating an out-of-date DAT file, select the
computer name to open the
Computer Details page, then click the
red action item.