© 2003 Shure Incorporated DFR22 Software Guide 84
Parametric Equalizer
This indicates the frequency of the selected filter point. You can change the value by click-
ing on the spin buttons, using keyboard controls, or by typing a specific value. The fre-
quency range is from 25Hz to 20kHz, with a default value of 1kHz when you add a new filter point.
This control changes depending on the type of filter currently in selection, as listed below. For a cut filter, you
have two slopes to choose from the drop-down menu. When a peak/notch filter is selected, you can use the
drop-down menu of preset values, or specify the width within a thousandth of an octave by typing in a value.
There are no settings in this control for shelf filters.
This indicates the current gain setting of the selected filter. The range of available gain val-
ues is between -18dB and +18dB in 0.5dB increments, with a default setting of 0dB. When
you are working with a cut filter this control is disabled and displays the word “
Click this button to add a new peak/notch filter to the response plotter. When you first open the win-
dow, the number below the button indicates the quantity of filter points that are available for the para-
metric EQ you have selected. This number decreases incrementally as you add filter points to the
response plotter. When you have reached the maximum number of filters for the processor, the but-
ton is disabled.
Click this button to clear filter settings. It opens the “Clear” dialog, which provides you with the option
to clear all filter settings, or to clear only selected filter points from the response plotter. Refer to the
Working with Filters section on page 85 for more information.
This feature allows you to freeze an image of the current response curve by clicking the [TAKE] but-
ton and then display it in the background for comparison by clicking the [
SHOW] button. The [SHOW]
button appears lighted in green when the snapshot is displayed. For a more in-depth description of
the snapshot feature, see the Snapshots section on page 35.
Filter Type Appearance Range of Values
From 1/70 oct through 4 oct, default value: 2/3 oct
From 100.99 Q through 0.27 Q, default value: 2.14 Q
Cut –6 dB/oct & –12 dB/oct, default value: –6dB/oct
Shelf None
Bypass active
Click to pass signal through without altering it. When bypass is
active, the button appears lighted in red. The default setting is
Bypass inactive