
© 2003 Shure Incorporated DFR22 Software Guide 59
Keyboard Controls
You can use keyboard controls to make fine adjustments to the handle positions in the response plotter. Click
to select a handle, then use the following shortcuts.
Keystroke Frequency Adjustment
¬ Decreases frequency by one screen pixel
® Increases frequency by one screen pixel
Shift + ¬ Decreases frequency by 1/3 octave
Shift + ® Increases frequency by 1/3 octave
Note: Nudging the frequency by one screen pixel changes the value by approximately 1/100 of an
octave, or 1%.
Keystroke Gain Adjustment
Increases gain by 0.5 dB
¯ Decreases gain by 0.5 dB
Shift +
or Page Up
Increases gain by 3 dB
Shift + ¯
or Page Down
Decreases gain by 3 dB
Spacebar or right
mouse click
Sets gain to 0 dB