Main code Sub code Content
24 01 Jam memory/total jam counter clear
The cause (position) of a jam which occurred during copying and the jam total counter are cleared, and the jam
total counter value is displayed on the copy quantity display. (“000” is displayed because the counter is cleared.)
02 Trouble memory clear
The main code and the sub code of a trouble is cleared.
(“000” is displayed because the memory is cleared.)
03 ADU counter clear (SF-2120 only)
Used to clear the ADU counter and to display the ADU counter value on the copy quantity display.
(“000” is displayed because the counter is cleared.)
04 ADF counter clear
Used to clear the ADF counter and to display the ADF counter value on the copy quantity display.
(“000” is cleared because the counter is cleared.)
05 Staple counter clear
Used to clear the staple counter and to display the staple counter value on the copy quantity display.
(“000” is displayed because the counter is cleared.)
25 01 Drive system check
Used to turn on the main motor, the developing bias, and the discharge lamp for 3 min.
The input value of the toner density is displayed on the second digit of the copy quantity display during the main
motor is rotating. The third digit indicates the color of developer.
Copy quantity display
Color of developer
Third digit Second, first digit
1 ∼ 99
b Red
C Blue
02 Automatic developer adjustment
Same as SIM 25-1. The average value of toner density sensor inputs is stored as the toner density adjustment
value after 3 min from starting the main motor rotation.
The display on the copy quantity display is same as SIM 25-1.
26 01 Option setting
Set to “1” only when the option desk is CM16 (one-step cassette).
The initial setting is “0.”
05 Count mode setting
Used to set the count mode of the total counter, the developer counter (mini maintenance counter for Japan), and
the maintenance counter in A3/WLT copy.
When this simulation is executed, the currently set count mode is displayed on the copy quantity display.
Enter the set value and press the PRINT button to store it.
Set value Total/Developer counter Maintenance count
0 Double count Double count ← Initial value
1 Single count Double count
2 Double count Single count
3 Single count Single count
8 – 9