
Trouble code Sub code Content Condition
F1 00 Sorter communication error An error occurred in communication between the sorter and
the main unit.
02 Transport motor trouble During rotation of the transport motor, the rotation pulse is
not sensed for 0.5 sec or more.
04 Bin upper limit/lower limit trouble When shifting the bins, the upper limit or the lower limit is
erroneously sensed.
05 Bin home sensor trouble When initializing the bins, the bin home sensor is not
sensed within 1 sec.
06 Bin motor trouble During rotation of the bin motor, the rotation pulse is not
sensed for 0.5 sec or more.
14 Take-out sensor trouble When the take-out sensor A/D input value is 3V or more.
16 Grasping motor trouble During rotation of the grasping motor, the rotation pulse is
not sensed for 0.05 sec.
F2 31 Image density sensor trouble When the light emitting quantity of the image density
sensor is increased to the maximum level, the input value
does not reach 3.75V.
When the light emitting quantity of the image density
sensor is decreased to the minimum level, the input value
does not fall below 4.5V.
During execution of the grid voltage correction, the element
level is 3V or lower.
32 Drum mark sensor trouble During one and a quarter rotations of the drum, the drum
mark is not sensed (the sensor input does not become
The drum mark sensor input level is not in the specified
33 Grid voltage correction trouble (Limit
When obtaining the grid voltage correction value, the result
of the patch voltage is not in the range of 200 650V.
35 Grid voltage correction trouble When obtaining the grid voltage correction value, the patch
voltage is not in the range of 200 650V.
The grid voltage correction cannot be performed properly.
(The correction value cannot be obtained.)
37 Drum mark sensor gain adjustment
Though the drum mark sensor light emitting quantity is
increased to 1.45V, the sensor input level does not become
EE EU Auto developer adjustment under
toner detection
After completion of the auto developer adjustment
(simulation 25-2), the toner density sensor input voltage is
over the specified range. (Under toner)
EL Auto developer adjustment over
toner detection
After completion of the auto developer adjustment
(simulation 25-2), the toner density sensor input voltage is
under the specified range. (Over toner)
CC Original detection trouble When the original detection sensor judgement level setting
(SIM 41-2) is performed, the difference between the original
presence level and the original empty level is too small.
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