10-2 Basic commands
Meaning and available memory address ranges of each command are shown in the table below
- Numeric values of each command are command numbers specified by the ME-NET.
- Write mode assignment shows write enabled/disabled to the PC memory. (See command No. F9(H).)
Setting available address range (octal) and notes for use
Write mode
JW20/JW20H JW30H
Reading Relay
00000 to 15777 (relay)
T-C000 to 777 (TMR/CNT contact
00000 to 15777,
20000 to 75777 (relay)
T-C0000 to 0777,
T-C1000 to 1777 (TMR/CNT contact)
Set in units of one points
Relay start/reset
00000 to 15777 (relay)
00000 to 15777
20000 to 75777 (relay)
Set in units of one points (SET = 1, RESET = 0)
Reading register current value
b0000 to b1777
09000 to 09777, 19000 to 19777
29000 to 29777, 39000 to 39777
49000 to 49777, 59000 to 59777
69000 to 69777, 79000 to 79777
89000 to 89777, 99000 to 99777
E0000 to E1777
b0000 to b1777, b2000 to b3777
09000 to 09777, 19000 to 19777
29000 to 29777, 39000 to 39777
49000 to 49777, 59000 to 59777
69000 to 69777, 79000 to 79777
89000 to 89777, 99000 to 99777
E0000 to E1777
- For details about the file register,
see page 8-4.
Can be set to read up to 1024 bytes at one time.
Write to register 24
Write to register
The allowable address ranges are the same as shown in "Reading the
register's current value 24
Can be set up to 1024 bytes at one time.
You must enter a value for the number of bytes that will be written.
Write the same data into
The allowable address ranges are the same as shown in "Reading the
register's current value 24
Can be set up to 1024 bytes at one time.
Set/reset TMR/CNT
000 to 777 000 to 0777, 1000 to 1777
Set in units of one points (SET = 1, RESET = 0)
Read program memory 04
Different with control module and
memory module types
- JW-21CU: 000000 to 006777
- JW-22CU: 000000 to 006777
When using memory
module JW-21MA
000000 to 016777
(When using memory
module JW-22MA)
Different with control module
- JW-31CUH/H1: 000000 to 016777
- JW-32CUH: 000000 to 036777
- JW-32CUH1: 000000 to 036777
or 000000 to 076777
- JW-33CUH/H1: 000000 to 0076777
- JW-32CUH2/H3: 000000 to 076777,
1000000 to 176777
Can be set up to 512 steps per one reading.
Data are read out with machine language.
Write program memory
The allowable address ranges are the same as shown in "Reading program
memory 04
Can be set up to 512 steps per one writing
This command can be executed only when a PC is stopped operation with
"PC operation stop" command, and "write mode specification as 2."
2 only
Read PC operation status
Stop PC operation
When this command is executed, the PC cannot be restarted using a support
Restart PC operation
This command is effective only when the PC is stopped operation by the "PC
operation stop" command. When the PC stops operation with another reason,
the PC cannot restart operation with this command.
Read write mode status
Assign write mode
Prohibit writing all PC memory --- 0
Allows writing to PC data memory --- 1
Allows writing to PC all memory --- 3 Choose any of these.
Read manufacturer code
The JW-21MN returns manufacturer code (CL: SHARP), and model code (A: