* ME-NET addresses (SEG10 to 2C) of file 10 to 2C(H) are out of ranges of the ME-NET
specification. These are special addresses for the JW-21MN.
- Available addresses vary with PC model on which the JW-21MN is installed and its capacity.
For details, see an instruction manual for each PC.
(2) Memory address map (against JW30H)
JW30H address
ME-NET address
Capacity Remarks
Relay SEG0 00000.0 to 1577.7 7168 points
Extension relay SEG0 30000.0 to 35577.7 23552 points
TMR/CNT contact points
SEG0 01600.0 to 01777.7 512 points
SEG0 35600.0 to 35777.7 512 points
0000 to 1577
SEG0 00000 to 01577 896 bytes
Extension relay
2000 to 7577
SEG0 30000 to 35577 2944 bytes
TMR/CNT current value b2000 to b3777 SEG0 26000 to 27777 1024 bytes
09000 to 09777 SEG0 04000 to 04777 512 bytes
19000 to 19777 SEG0 05000 to 05777 512 bytes
29000 to 29777 SEG0 06000 to 06777 512 bytes
39000 to 39777 SEG0 07000 to 07777 512 bytes
49000 to 49777 SEG0 10000 to 10777 512 bytes
59000 to 59777 SEG0 11000 to 11777 512 bytes
69000 to 69777 SEG0 12000 to 12777 512 bytes
79000 to 79777 SEG0 13000 to 13777 512 bytes
89000 to 89777 SEG0 14000 to 14777 512 bytes
99000 to 99777 SEG0 15000 to 15777 512 bytes
E0000 to E5777 SEG0 16000 to 23777 3072 bytes
Register (storable error
E6000 to E7777 SEG0 24000 to 25777 1024 bytes
TMR/CNT number 0000 to 1777 0000 to 1777 1024 pcs. -----
File 1 000000 to 037777 SEG1 000000 to 037777 16 K bytes
File 2 000000 to 177777 SEG2 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
File 3 000000 to 177777 SEG3 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
File 10
000000 to 177777 SEG10 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
File 10
000000 to 177777 SEG11 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
:: : :
File 1F
000000 to 177777 SEG1F 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
File 20
000000 to 177777 SEG20 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
File 21
000000 to 177777 SEG21 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
:: : :
File 2C
000000 to 177777 SEG2C 000000 to 177777 64 K bytes
JW-31CUH/H1 000000 to 016777 SEG8 000000 to 016777 7680 steps
JW-32CUH 000000 to 036777 SEG8 000000 to 036777 15872 steps
000000 to 036777 SEG8 000000 to 036777 15872 steps
000000 to 076777 SEG8 000000 to 076777 32256 steps
JW-33CUH/H1 000000 to 076777 SEG8 000000 to 076777 32256 steps
000000 to 076777,
100000 to 176777
SEG8 000000 to 076777,
SEG9 000000 to 076777
64512 steps