Microwave: Fresh Vegetable Chart
1. Cover each dish with plastic wrap. Place on the oven fl oor (position1).
2. Drain any remaining water after standing before serving.
Food Amount Cooking Time
Asparagus (halved) 500g 3 ½ minutes Place in a shallow microwave safe dish. Cover. Stand for
3 minutes
(top and tailed)
500g 5 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of
water. Cover. Stand for 5 minutes
(uniform fl orets)
500g 5 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish. Cover. Stand for 3
Brussels Sprouts 500g 8 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish. Cover. Stand for 3
Cabbage (shredded) 500g 8 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 2 tablespoons of
water. Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
500g 5 minutes Place in a shallow microwave safe dish. Cover. Stand for
3 minutes (cook longer for less crunch)
Caulifl ower
(uniform fl orets)
500g 6-7 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of
water. Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
Corn on the Cob 2 pieces 8 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with ¼ cup of water.
Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
4 pieces 16 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1/3 cup of water.
Cover. Stand for 5 minutes
Mushrooms (whole) 500g 5 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 2 tablespoons of
butter. Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
(green; top and tailed)
500g 5 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of
water. Cover. Stand for 2 minutes
Potatoes –
Jacket (Baby Chat)
4 small 6 minutes Pierce with a fork. Stand for 3 minutes
(2cm cubes)
500g 10 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish. Cover. Stand for 2
Spinach (shredded) 500g 8 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 2 tablespoons of
water. Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
Snow Peas
(top and tailed)
500g 4 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of
water. Cover. Stand for 3 minutes (cook longer for less
Squash (whole) 500g 5 minutes Pierce with a fork. Place in a shallow casserole dish.
Cover. Stand for 3 minutes
Sweet Potato
(2cm cubes)
500g 8 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with ½ cup of water.
Cover. Stand for 5 minutes
(sliced or quartered)
500g 4 minutes Place in a shallow casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of
water and 1 tablespoon of butter. Cover. Stand for 3