Salmon fi llets with broccoli fl orets (1)
1. Sprinkle the deep-frozen fi sh fi llets with lemon juice and pepper and place into the steam tray on the glass
tray. Insert the trays in lower position (position 2).
2. Place the broccoli fl orets into second steam tray. Insert the steam tray in upper position (position 3) and
cook together on EASY AUTO MENUS, Complete Meal 1.
* If necessary, extend the cooking time when the fi sh fi llets are thick.
[Utensils] 2 Steam trays, glass tray
Ingredients 1 portion 2 portions 3 portions 4 portions
Deep-frozen salmon fi llets 125 g (1 piece) 250 g (2 pieces) 375 g (3 pieces) 500 g (4 pieces)
Lemon juice, pepper
Broccoli fl orets 100 g 200g 300 g 400g
Creamy fi sh fi llet with a vegetable mix and couscous (1 and pressing Microwave key once)
Ingredients 1 portion 2 portions 3 portions 4 portions
Fish fi llets (rose fi sh or cod fi sh), cubed
125 g (1 piece) 250 g (2 pieces) 375 g (3 pieces) 500 g (4 pieces)
Lemon juice, salt, pepper
Leeks, sliced 50 g 100 g 150 g 200 g
Cherry tomatoes 50 g 100 g 150 g 200 g
Créme fraîche 25 g 50 g 75 g 100 g
Couscous 62.5 g 125 g 187.5 g 250 g
Cold vegetable stock 125 ml 250 ml 375 ml 500 ml
[Utensils] 2 Steam trays
Pyrex quiche fl an dish (27cm diameter), fl at round Pyrex dish (22cm diameter) for 4 portions
(Please adjust the containers for the other portions)
1. Put the fi sh into the quiche dish. Sprinkle the fi sh with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Add the
vegetables and mix well.
2. Place the quiche dish into the steam tray on the glass tray and insert in lower position (position 2).
3. Put the couscous into the fl at round Pyrex dish. Pour the vegetable stock over the couscous. Place the dish
in the second steam tray in upper position (position 3) and cook together on EASY AUTO MENUS, Complete
Meal 1 by pressing the Microwave key once.
4. Stir the couscous immediately after cooking and add the crème fraîche to the fi sh with vegetable mix.
Season to taste with salt and fresh ground pepper.