• When the game starts, the system starts counting down the limit time. If you successfully pass
a checkpoint on the course within the limit time, the bonus time is added to the remaining time.
If not, the game is over. (See the note 4 below.)
• For any course of NOVICE, INTERMEDIATE, or EXPERT. When you have successfully
cruised around it two times, you reach the goal and the game is over. (See the note 5 below.)
• To navigate the boat while playing the game, use the throttle lever and the handlebars, and tilt
up the boat by shifting your body. To increase a cruising speed, squeeze the throttle lever while
to decrease un-squeeze. To turn the boat leftwards and rightwards, turn the handlebars
leftwards and rightwards respectively. To quickly turn the boat, turn the handlebars and then
tilt up the boat to a turning direction of the handlebars. Note that just tilting up the boat without
turning the handlebars does not enable to turn the boat. Press the view button to toggle a view-
point between a navigator's point and a rearward point.
• When reaching the goal, you can register your name if your lap time is good. Your registered
name will be on a screen's ranking list in an advertising mode.
1) For an interactive communication play. Insert the one-play worth of coin(s) on the operation
explanation screen and press the start button to enter the race. The system opens the entry
screen where you wait until an opposition will enter the race by also inserting the one-play
worth of coin(s) and pressing the start button. The entry screen closes and the operation
explanation screen opens automatically, when a limit time is counted down to 0 (zero).
2) For an interactive communication play. When every player, after entering the race, has
finished selecting a course, the racing course is decided by majority. In case of a tie, the
course with a lower difficulty level is chosen.
3) Alternately, you can press the start button to decide a course.
4) For an interactive communication play. The bonus time is added to the remaining time when
a leading player passes a checkpoint. The place of a player is indicated as 'place/the number
of players' (e.g. 2/4 for a 4-player race, 1/2 for 2-player race). A player number, as 1P and
2P, is shown above the head of a playing character on the screen.
5) You cannot change the number of rounding cruises.
• When your boat runs on the stern waves, the speed-down gauge is undimmed and its triangle
becomes filled with shade. If you keep your boat running on the stern waves, the triangle is
shaded more and more.
When the triangle is fully shaded, a warning message "Get out of the wake!" appears on the
screen. If you make your boat off the stern waves at this moment, the speed-down gauge is
again dimmed. If not, it is initialized to 0 (zero) and becomes filled with shade again.
Initially the gauge is dimmed. When the boat runs on the stern
waves, the gauge is undimmed
and becomes filled with shade.
When the gauge is fully
shaded, a warning message
FIG 8 e