In case a problem occurs, first check wiring connector connections.
ξ In order to prevent electric shock and short circuit, be sure to turn power off
before performing work.
ξ Be careful so as not to damage wirings. Damaged wiring can cause electric
shock or short circuit.
ξ After removing the cause of the functioning of the Circuit Protector, reinstate
the Circuit Protector. Depending on the cause of the functioning, using the
Circuit Protector as is without removing the cause can cause generation of
heat and fire hazard.
TABLE 17 a
When the main SW is
turned ON, the machine
is not activated.
The color on the PTV
screen is not correct.
PTV screen has a color
No PTV screen image.
Sound is not emitted.
During game play, the
Compressor does not
During game, the Ride does
not operate.
The power is not ON.
Incorrect power source/voltage.
functioned due to momentary
The fuse of the connect board was
blown out due to momentary
Screen adjustment is not
Affected by the periphery, such as
other machines, location building's
steel frames, etc.
Connector connection fault.
Sound volume adjustment is not
Malfunctioning BD. and Amp.
Circuit Protector functioned due to
momentary overload.
Saftety Sensor functioned.
Air Tank Cock is closed.
Preset pressure is incorrect.
Air leakage.
Communication fault between the
Main BD and the I/O BD.
Firmly insert the plug into the outlet.
Make sure that the power supply/voltage are correct.
After eliminating the cause of overload, have the Circuit
Protector of the AC Unit restored.
(See Section 6 and Next page)
After eliminating the cause of overload, replace the
specified rating fuse (514-5036-7000, FUSE 6.4 ΓΈ X 30
7000mA 125V). (PHOTO 17. 1 b)
Make adjustment appropriately. (See Section 14)
Make convergence adjustments. (See Section 14)
Change installation direction/ position.
Move the other machines which cause the problem.
Check connector connection between the PTV and Cabinet.
(See Section 6)
Adjust the SWITCH UNIT's sound adjustment volume
control. (See 9 - 1)
Perform SOUND TEST. (NAOMI Service Manual)
After eliminating the cause of overload, have the power
supply Circuit Protector restored. (PHOTO 17. 1 b)
Remove the foreign article.
Open the Cock. (See 11-1)
Make pressure adjustment. (See 10-4)
Check the Air Drive System.
Check in the wiring test. (See 9-3g)