56 HRB1684301-01
Chapter 5—Meter webpages PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual
3. Click Apply to send and save the new settings to the meter.
NOTE: You can use the Test HTTP button to test the meter connection to the web
Related topics
• See “Meter logging” on page 59 for information on what data the meter records.
Viewing the meter webpages
1. Start a web browser and enter the meter’s IP address. When prompted, enter your
username and password. The default login is:
— Username = user1
— Password = pass1
2. Use the menus along the top banner to select and display the meter's various
NOTE: Click Home to go to the page that is configured as the meter's homepage (e.g.,
Monitoring > Basic Readings).
This menu allows you to navigate to the following webpages:
• Basic Readings
• Power Quality
• Active Alarms
• Alarm History
• Inputs/Outputs
• Data Log
Setting the measurement range
Click Range to set the minimum and maximum ratings (limits) for current, power and
voltage (L-L and L-N). Select Enable Auto Scale to automatically set the scale on the
graphical (dial) indicators.
Basic Readings
Parameter Description
Load Current
Real-time load current per phase (Ia, Ib, Ic) and average (I Avg), neutral (In) and
residual/ground current (Ig), and minimum and maximum recorded values.
Real (kW), reactive (kVAR) and apparent (kVA) power, minimum and maximum
recorded values.
Power Factor Total Real-time power factor (lead or lag), minimum and maximum recorded values.
Real-time line-to-line voltage (Vab, Vbc, Vca) and average (VLL Avg), line-to-
neutral voltage (Van, Van, Vcn) and average (VLN Avg).
Frequency Real-time frequency, minimum and maximum recorded values
Demand Current
Real-time current demand per phase (Ia, Ib, Ic), demand last interval, peak
demand with date and timestamp, and the date and time when demand values
were last reset.
Demand Power Real-time real (kW), reactive (kVAR) and apparent (kVA) power demand.
Accumulated values for delivered and received real energy (kWh), reactive energy
(kVARh) and apparent energy (kVAh), and the date and time when energy values
were last reset.