48 HRB1684301-01
Chapter 4—Remote meter setup PowerLogic™ PM5500 series user manual
4. Log in to the meter webpages. The default login values are:
— Username = user1
— Password = pass1
5. Click Setup > Ethernet.
6. Modify the Ethernet setup parameters with the settings your system administrator
assigned for the meter.
7. Click Apply to send and save the new settings to the meter.
8. Click Logout to exit the meter’s webpages.
Meter setup through Ethernet
After the meter’s Ethernet port is configured and connected to the LAN, you can:
• Use a web browser to connect to the meter webpages and configure Ethernet
settings, webpage users and data log export schedules.
• Use ION Setup to configure all other meter setup parameters.
Related topics
• See “Setting up Ethernet communications” on page 40 for details on using the
meter’s display panel to configure the Ethernet port.
RS-485 port setup
Use ION Setup to modify the meter’s default RS-485 settings before connecting the
meter to the RS-485 bus. The meter is factory-configured with the following default
serial communications settings:
• Protocol = Modbus RTU
• Address = 1
• Baud rate = 19200
• Parity = Even
You can use a communications converter (USB to RS-485 or RS-232 to RS-485) or
Ethernet gateway device to connect to the meter.
Ethernet & TCP/IP
Ethernet MAC Address
Displays the meter’s factory-programmed MAC address.
This information is read-only and cannot be changed.
IP Parameters
IP Address Acquistion
This controls the network protocol for your device (which the
meter uses to obtain its IP address):
• DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
• BOOTp: Bootstrap Protocol
• Static: Use the static value programmed in the
IP Address setup register
• Default: Use 85.16 as the first two values of the
IP address, then convert the last two hexadecimal
values of the MAC address to decimal and use this as
the last two values of the IP address.
Example: MAC address = 00:80:67:82:B8:C8
Default IP address =
IP Address The internet protocol address of your device.
Subnet Mask The Ethernet IP subnetwork address of your network.
Default Gateway The Ethernet IP gatway address of your network.