Application Example
890USE19600 April 2004 47
Add the NIM You must import the NIM’s EDS before you configure the island as a network device.
To add the NIM to the network configuration:
Configuring in
the SyCon
After you use the Add a Master and Add the NIM instructions to add the CIF30
master and INTERBUS NIM slave to your network configuration, a SyCon
workspace similar to this appears:
Step Action Comment
1 From SyCon’s Insert menu, select
Remote Bus Device or the insert
remote device icon.
The Advantys STB island can only be used
as a remote node on INTERBUS.
2 Decide where you want to insert the
NIM device.
Blue circles in the workspace indicate
possible insertion points.
3 Click in the appropriate blue circle. The Insert Remote Bus Device dialogue box
4 Select the NIM’s EDS from the
Available devices list and click Add.
The EDS appears in the Selected devices
list. If not, follow the directions at Create an
5 Press OK. The island appears in the SyCon