Configuring the Island Bus
890USE19600 April 2004 31
An Example For example, if you have an island bus with eight I/O modules:
2 STB PDT 3100 24 VDC power distribution module
3 STB DDI 3230 24 VDC two-channel digital input module
4 STB DDO 3200 24 VDC two-channel digital output module
5 STB DDI 3425 24 VDC four-channel digital input module
6 STB DDO 3415 24 VDC four-channel digital output module
7 STB DDI 3615 24 VDC six-channel digital input module
8 STB DDO 3605 24 VDC six-channel digital output module
9 STB AVI 1275 +/-10 VDC two-channel analog input module
10 STB AVO 1255 0 ... 10 VDC two-channel analog output module
11 STB XMP 1100 island bus termination plate
The NIM would auto-address it as follows. Note that the PDM and the termination
plate do not consume island bus addresses:
Module Physical Location Island Bus Address
NIM 1 127
STB PDT 3100 PDM 2 not addressed—does not exchange data
STB DDI 3230 input 3 1
STB DDO 3200 output 4 2
STB DDI 3425 input 5 3
STB DDO 3415 output 6 4
STB DDI 3615 input 7 5
STB DDO 3605 output 8 6
STB AVI 1275 input 9 7
STB AVO 1255 output 10 8