To reply to an SMS Text message:
1. While the message is open, press Reply (left softkey).
Highlight the message in the Inbox, and press
Options (right softkey)> Reply With > Text Message.
2. Follow steps 3-5 of “Composing SMS Text Messages”
shown below.
Composing SMS Text Messages
1. Press > Messaging > Send Message>
Text Message.
Recent List is displayed.
2. Select the recipient from the Recent List and
press .
Select Go to Contacts to select a recipient from your
Contacts. Select a Contacts entry and press .
Press Group (left softkey)to select multiple
recipients. Afterselecting recipients, press Continue
(left softkey)to proceed.
3. Compose a message.
Press Mode (right softkey)to change a text input
4. Press Options to select additional options.
5. Review yourmessage and press Send (left softkey).
Using Preset Messages
Preset messages make sending text messages to your
friends, family, and coworkers easierthan ever.
1. Press > Settings > Messaging> Preset Msgs.
2. Highlight a message you wish to send and press
Options (right softkey)>Send Text.
3. Follow steps 2-5 in “Composing SMS Text Messages”
on this page.
You can also send an SMS Text message when the
left softkey displays the
Send Msgoption.
You can also press New Addr. (right softkey)to enter
a new address.
114 Section 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics