Voicemail Key Guide
Here’s a quick guide to yourkeypad functions while
listening to voicemail messages. Forfurtherdetails and
menu options, see “Voicemail Menu Key” on page 112.
Date/Time Send Reply Advance
Replay Rewind Forward
Erase Return Call Save
Cancel Help Skip
Voicemail Options
Yourphone offers several options fororganizing and
accessing yourvoicemail.
Using Expert Mode
Using the Expert Mode setting foryourpersonal
voicemail box helps you navigate through the voicemail
system more quickly by shortening the voice prompts
you hearat each level.
1. Press and hold to access yourvoicemail. (If
yourvoicemail box contains any new messages,
press to access the main voicemail menu.)
2. Press to change yourPersonal Options,
following the system prompts.
3. Press forExpert Mode.
4. Press to turn Expert Mode on oroff.
Setting Up Group Distribution Lists
Create up to 20 separate group lists, each with up to 20
1. Press and hold to access yourvoicemail. (If
yourvoicemail box contains any new messages,
press to access the main voicemail menu.)
2. Press to change yourPersonal Options,
following the system prompts.
3. Press forSettings.
110 Section 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics