P ress REPEAT/PRESET once, and the curre n t
track will be repeated “one-track repeat” will be
a c t i v e . )
One track repeat (flashing)
P ress REPEAT/PRESET twice, and all tracks
will be re p e a t e d .
All track re p e a t
To cancel the repeat function, pre s s
REPEAT/PRESET once more .
P ress RANDOM during either the CD play or
the stop mode. All of the tracks on the CD will
play in a random ord e r.
To cancel random play, press RANDOM o n c e
m o re .
Note: Once the CD program is set, pre s s i n g
RANDOM will delete the pro g r a m .
In the stop mode, press INTRO on the re m o t e
to begin intro playing; the first 10 seconds of
each track will be played.
P r ess I N T R O again to change to normal playing
m o d e .
The CD player enables you to program up to 16
tracks in a sequence of your choice. With the
unit turned on,
1 . Select the CD Stop mode.
3. P ress MEMOR Y one time.
4. P ress the SKIP f o rw a rd or backward
buttons to select the desired track to be
p ro g r a m m e d .
5. P ress MEMOR Y again; then the chosen
track is store d .
6. Continue to program, repeating steps 2 and 3.
Review the Pro g r a m s
P ress MEMOR Y re p e a t e d l y. The track
number programmed on each pro g r a m
number will be displayed.
7. P ress PLAY/PAUSE to play the tracks in
the programmed ord e r.
Note: If the program already exists, press
MEMOR Y and then press PLAY/PAUSE, a n d
the program play will begin.
Clear the Pro g r a m s
In Stop mode, press MEMOR Y once and then
p ress STOP . The preset programs will be
c a n c e l l e d .
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