1 4
6. P ress MEMOR Y button once more, and
the TIMER ON has been set. The O N i n d i c a t o r
stops flashing to confirm that the setting
has been made.
To cancel the Timer On setting:
P ress MODE/CLOCK several times until T I M E R
is flashing and O N is not. Then press WAKE
TIMER until TIMER ON is flashing.
TIMER OFF (shut-off time) Setting
Example: You wish to set the unit to shut off at
8:30 a.m.
1 . P ress MODE/CLOCK once, and the T I M E R
OFF indicator flashes.
2 . P ress MEMOR Y once, and the hour digits
f l a s h .
3 . P ress the CD SKIP f o rw a rd or backward
buttons to set the hour to 8:00. Be sure to
set the hour correctly for AM or PM.
4 . P ress MEMOR Y again, and the minute
digits flash.
5 . P ress the CD SKIP f o rw a rd or backward
buttons to set the minutes to 30.
6 . P ress MEMOR Y once more, and the T I M E R
O F F has been set. The O F F display stops
flashing to confirm that the setting has
been made.
To cancel the Timer Off setting:
P ress MODE/CLOCK several times until T I M E R
is flashing and O F F is not.
Then press WAKE TIMER until TIMER OFF i s
f l a s h i n g .
This feature lets you adjust the night-time
listening volume as desired without aff e c t i n g
the wake-up volume. In the morning, Sure Wa k e
s t a rts the music quietly and then increases the
volume to room level to make sure you are
a w a k e .
1. Set the timer, as in the previous section.
2. P ress SUREWAKE.
3. To cancel, press SUREWAKE a g a i n .
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