48_ web viewer
web viewer
To capture the snapshot
1. Click [Capture ( )] on the scene to capture.
2. When a captured video is saved, a notification message appears.
When using Internet Explorer, the captured video is saved in My Computer / My
Documents / Pictures.
In Mac OS, it is saved in “~/Pictures” or “/Users/{user account}/Pictures/”.
If you encounter an interrupted video when capturing the image with IE8 on a Windows 7-based
PC, deselect “Turn On Protected Mode” from “Tools – Internet Options – Security”.
If the screen is not captured by IE browser in Windows 7 or 8, run the IE Browser with the Admin
How to record videos manually
1. Press [Manual recording ( )].
2. To end the recording, press [Manual recording (
)] again.
Before starting the manual recording, at <Event> - <Storage>, insert the SD card and change
the SD card option to “On”.
To fit the full screen
1. Click the [Full Screen (
)] button.
2. This will fit the Viewer to the full screen.
3. To exit the full screen mode, press [Esc] on the keyboard.
For the Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browser, you can switch to the full screen.
To Use Audio
1. Click [Audio ( )] icon to activate audio communication.
2. Use [
] bar to control the volume.
If there is no sound from pulling in and out the audio jack while it is in operation, click the
[Audio (
)] icon to enable it again.