38 Using Advanced Sprint Services
Click TV in the left panel and then scroll up or down to select a TV option.
Ⅲ Featured to see a list of featured channels.
Ⅲ Recommended to see what’s recommended by Sprint TV.
Ⅲ Recently Played to see a list of recently viewed channels.
Ⅲ All Channels to select from all available channels and categories.
Ⅲ Live to see a list of live TV options.
Ⅲ On Demand to see a list of available on demand video and music options.
3. Browse through the available programming and click a clip or channel to view the
Note: The first time you access a channel that requires a subscription, you will be prompted to purchase
access. Select
Subscribe to purchase access, or select Preview to see a preview of the selected
Coverage not available everywhere. Content and lineup subject to change. Select channels also
available for casual usage. Go to
sprint.com/tvguide for more information.
Tip: In the initial Sprint TV screen, slide your finger left on the trackpad to select the left panel options (TV,
Radio, Favs, and More) and then slide your finger up or down and click the trackpad to select an
option. Once you select an option, the right panel options become active, and you can slide your finger
up or down and click the trackpad to select an option.
For more information, click More and then click Help in the main Sprint TV screen.