The timer 2 control register, T2CON, is located in address E8H, Bank1, Set 1 and is read/write addressable.
T2CON contains control settings for the following T2 functions:
— Timer 2 input clock selection
— Timer 2 operating mode selection
— Timer 2 16-bit down counter clear
— Timer 2 overflow interrupt enable/disable
— Timer 2 match or capture interrupt enable/disable
— Timer 2 interrupt pending control (read for status, write to clear)
A reset operation clears T2CON to ‘00H’, selecting fosc divided by 4 as the T2 clock, configuring timer 2 as a
normal interval timer, and disabling the timer 2 interrupts.
Timer 2 Control Register (T2CON)
E8H, Set 1, Bank 1, R/W
.7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0MSB LSB
Timer 2 Interrupt Pending Bit:
0 = No interrupt pending
0 = Clear pending bit (when write)
1 = Interrupt is pending
Timer 2 Interrupt Match/capture Enable Bit:
0 = Disable interrupt
1 = Enable interrupt
Timer 2 Overflow Interrupt Enable Bit:
0 = Disable overflow interrupt
1 = Enable overflow interrupt
Timer 2 Input Clock Selection Bits:
00 = f
01 = f
10 = f
11 = Internal clock (T-F/F)
Timer 2 Counter Clear Bit:
0 = No effect
1 = Clear the timer 0 counter (when write)
Timer 2 Operating Mode Selection Bits:
00 = Interval mode
01 = Capture mode (capture on rising edge,
counter running, OVF can occur)
10 = Capture mode (capture on falling edge,
counter running, OVF can occur)
11 = Capture mode (capture on rising and
falling edge, counter running, OVF can occur)
Figure 13-4. Timer 2 Control Register (T2CON)