Table 9-3. S3F80JB Port Configuration Overview (32-SOP)
Port Configuration Options
Port 0 8-bit general-purpose I/O port; Input or push-pull output; external interrupt input on falling edges,
rising edges, or both edges; all P0 pin circuits have noise filters and interrupt enable/disable
register (P0INT) and pending control register (P0PND); Pull-up resistors can be assigned to
individual P0 pins using P0PUR register settings. This port is dedicated for key input in IR
controller application.
Port 1 8-bit general-purpose I/O port; Input without or with pull-up, open-drain output, or push-pull output.
This port is dedicated for key output in IR controller application.
Port 2 8-bit general-purpose I/O port; Input or push-pull output. The P2 pins, P2.0–P2.7, can be used as
external interrupt inputs and have noise filters. The P2INT register is used to enable/disable
interrupts and P2PND bits can be polled by software for interrupt pending control. Pull-up resistors
can be assigned to individual P2 pins using P2PUR register settings. Also P2.4-P2.7 can be
assigned individually as analog input pin for comparator.
P3.0–P3.1 2-bit I/O port; P3.0 and P3.1 are configured input functions (Input mode, with or without pull-up, for
T0CK, T0CAP or T1CAP) or output functions (push-pull or open-drain output mode, or for REM
and T0PWM). P3.1 is dedicated for IR drive pin and P3.0 can be used for indicator LED drive.
P3.7 P3.7 is not configured for I/O pin and it only used to control carrier signal on/off.